
Friday, February 11, 2011

My Ferry Ride to Fort Sumter

As I walk onto the ferry in Charleston, South Carolina, the crowd around me is anxious with excitement. The cold wind is blowing and the sky is a lucid blue with limited colorless clouds. A family sits together enjoying the scenery and the baby hangs on the rail as the parents point out a white pelican bird with a peach color bill that landed on the boats bow. As I look out the back of the upper deck I see a World War II aircraft carrier in front of me and I see the helicopter and fighter plane stationed on its top deck. The feeling is amazing to know that I am looking at history. As my boat leaves the dock, sounds of the Atlantic Ocean hit my ears like a soothing waterfall. Our ferry churns the water into a constant rushing sound. I look back towards Charleston and see the harbor and the skyline of downtown. I see the restaurant I ate at the night before and the church steeples that line the old streets. The wind soon turns bitter so I walk the blue carpeted open stairs to the lower deck.  A small line of seagull’s start to follow us and the flock continues to grow and over a hundred hungry screeching grayish/white birds trail our boat. As I look down towards the water, dolphins are swimming with the motion of our boat. Their wide tales splash the clear blue water as their noses dive into the waves our noisy boat motor makes. The sailboats around me are enjoying the wind and the bright yellow sun as they cruise the ocean. There are large and small boats all using their sails to guide them. We reach Fort Sumter, the sight of the first battle of the Civil War. The scene is breathtaking. The old war torn building with its colored red bricks stand erect waiting for my adventure within the walls to begin.

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